Sunny is a contributing writer for eWeek with a bachelor’s degree in technology and years of experience writing for reputed tech publications. He mostly writes about cybersecurity and AI, focusing on the latest trends and news in the industry.
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon sees AI in the workplace as a game-changer, enabling future generations to work 3.5 days a week and live longer, healthier lives. Read about the future of AI and work.
AI landlord screening controversy settled for $2.3M, marking a victory for fair housing advocates and low-income renters.
Explore how University of Arizona researchers are transforming climate feedback understanding by integrating AI and soil genomics into Earth system models.
Explore the legal battle over how companies train AI as Canadian media outlets file a massive lawsuit against ChatGPT creator OpenAI.
Discover how Google leveraged AI to uncover a hidden software bug that has been lurking for two decades.
Amazon Anthropic investment reaches new heights as tech giant pours billions into AI development. Learn how this partnership shapes the future of cloud computing and artificial intelligence.
Parents’ lawsuit over AI homework cheating fails as judge supports school’s authority to enforce academic honesty, even without explicit AI policies.
Mistral’s Le Chat has evolved with web search, image generation, and document analysis, making it a direct competitor to leading AI chatbots like ChatGPT.
OpenAI’s revolutionary Sora AI-video generator faces backlash as artists protest exploitation and reveal behind-the-scenes development practices.
Australian parliament calls for chatbots like ChatGPT to be labeled ‘high-risk’ amid concerns over democracy, workplace rights, and creative theft. Learn about new AI risk regulations.